Teaching Experience
Spring 2016 Quantitative Methods of International Relations at the University of Mannheim
(Germany) (Undergraduate)
Spring 2018/2020 The European Parliament: its election, its actors, and its powers
at the University of Heidelberg and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München (Germany) (Undergraduate)
Spring/Winter 2020 Regionalism: Integration in Europe and in other Regions of the World at
the University of Basel (Switzerland) (Graduate/Master) and at the University of
Konstanz (Germany) (Bachelor)
Winter 2020/2021 The European Parliament: Representation and Policy-Making
at the University of Konstanz (Germany) (Undergraduate)
Spring 2022 Unequal Power? Comparative Political Institutions and Gender
at the University of Bamberg
2015 - 2018 Freelance collaborator of the State Agency for Political Education
Baden-Württemberg. Member of a junior expert team on Europe. Lectures
and simulation of political decision making processes with teenagers and
young adults.